Quotes From "The Scot Beds His Wife" By Kerrigan Byrne

There was something more than a little satisfying about ripping...
There was something more than a little satisfying about ripping the heart out of someone the moment before they expected to do the same to you. Kerrigan Byrne
Still pleasant as a cornered hedgehog, and as well mannered...
Still pleasant as a cornered hedgehog, and as well mannered as a badger, I see. Kerrigan Byrne
Alison’s gaze gentled. “Tell me, Samantha, have you ever been to Scotland? Kerrigan Byrne
Samantha imagined that in another life, she and Alison could...
Samantha imagined that in another life, she and Alison could have, indeed, been friends. Had she not been about to rob the train. Kerrigan Byrne
Ye’re wet, ” he groaned. “ I’m underwater.” “ I ken that, bonny. But this dampness has nothing to do with that. Kerrigan Byrne
Experience should have taught ye by now that denying me what I want only makes me more relentless. Kerrigan Byrne
The lass was no damsel. He’d prepared himself for a hard sell, one that might require a few extra knee-weakening smiles, perhaps so much as a seduction, but he’d never in a million years expected the disaster that landed his arms. The disaster named Alison Ross. Kerrigan Byrne
Doona fash, Sam.” Calybrid, spying her scowl, hurried to balm the wound. “Ye’re plenty fair.” “ Aye, ” Locryn agreed. “ With eyes the color of the Alt Dubh Gorm.” “Sure, that too.” “ Just… no one will write odes to yer breasts is all.” “ On account of ye not having any, ” Locryn supplied, rather unnecessarily, in Samantha’s opinion. Kerrigan Byrne
Though her muscles went rigid, her tongue sparred with his, as he might have guessed it would. Each lick and swirl, each plunge and retreat became a point counted for or against. Gavin had never enjoyed a woman’s mouth so much in his entire life. Kerrigan Byrne
This blood feud is a bit too Shakespearean, if ye want the truth. I’m no Montague, and ye’re no Capulet. Kerrigan Byrne
It occurred to Gavin that the first thought a groom had upon spying his bride shouldn’t be to wonder whether or not she wore knickers. Kerrigan Byrne
So does it still count if he doesna kiss the bride? Kerrigan Byrne
If you love no one, no one can hurt you, ” she whispered. Kerrigan Byrne